The way you came in . . .

A man leaves home, runs a little way, and turns left, runs a little way and turns left, runs a little way and turns left, and returns home where two masked men are waiting for him. Who are the masked men?

That question, unless you have heard it before, would probably stump you. Well, let me give you the answer. The two masked men are a catcher, and an umpire. The problem was at the very beginning, or should I say, the way you came in. When you read home, you probably thought of a house. From that point on you might have somebody running around the block, instead of a baseball diamond. Your original conditioning, took your thought process on a completely different course.

That is the way it is for us. I can't believe that there are over 200 Christian denominations that read The Bible,1 yet come to totally different conclusions. That is because of their starting point. What disposition you have before, will dictate how you interpret the current information.

It's not really our fault. Our parents, or guardians, raised us in such a manner. Well, I guess they are not entirely to blame. Your friends had just as much to do with it. To quote partially the title of a Hillary Rodham Clinton book, "It takes a village."

The human condition is quite an interesting state. We are relational beings. We first have to relate to something, in order to understand it. That is truly how our mind works. When you are talking to a baby, you relate one way. When you are talking to your friends, you relate another. When you see a dog, you don't start talking about politics. You assess what is in front of you; and think, feel, and behave accordingly. Or in other words, you relate.

So, how you relate to things in life, is all dependent upon what you have learned. I believe that the Journey God has you on, is not just about learning, but UNlearning as well. You sometimes have to remove some of the falsehood that has been taught to you, in order to accept the truth. If you want to do a detailed study on that, study religion.

So, in this journey, it is not always about gaining or "learning." Sometimes, it is about losing, or "UNlearning." Why the UNdoing? Well, it's because of the way we came in.

God bless,

1 Wikipedia article: Christian denominations


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