I feel stuck

The question of many is: why am I not growing? Many feel frozen in their spiritual journey. Do you feel like you can't overcome a certain issue? The cry of many is, "I feel stuck."

By listening to many pastors, or reading certain articles, you might think that the journey is reliant on you. They1, equipped with their Bible verses, are always warning of the peril of wrong decisions. They teach salvation is of God, but stuck with the human condition, you are left to somehow fix yourself. It's not their fault. They are victims of the sinful nature, as we all are. Their theology is based on impatience. There is no way God would leave you in a struggle, so it's up to you to make the decision to stop or simply change. Every failure made known, is left up to their judgment, and words of correction.

It is my believe that only God can do the growing. It is only by Him, and through Him that we can mature. There is a reason you are stuck. There is a reason God has not allowed you to go further. Like any good father, realizing that advancement would be your demise, He is holding you back. Part of the maturity process, is the altering of your disposition.2 God has to allow for all the teaching of your current circumstances, to be fully learned. Not until you learn, and that information changes your perspective, will you advance. Sometimes it is quick. Other times, not so.

So your not really stuck, just waiting.

God bless,

1 By they, I mean those who teach that doctrine.
2 Disposition: tendency or inclination under given circumstances


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