Heaven is your home, when Earth is your hell

The title of this post is probably very unpopular, or seems wrong. Most people today, including Christians, would disagree. Everything today is about finding happiness. Our romantic relationship, friendships, career, money, entertainment, etc. are all designed to bring us happiness. After all, your only allotted a certain amount of time here. Shouldn't it be enjoyed as much as possible? Happiness is the one state of mind we all would like to achieve . . . and hopefully be able to stay there.

God puts us through trials and tests. Tests are when you go through the Devil, and it puts you through a tormenting experience, and you either trust God's word, or the Devil's. Devil, in the Greek, is Diabolos. Diabolos literally means, to throw across or through. God will put you to the test, by allowing you to have a lie torment you, and the only way out is to trust God. This is the true nature of faith, and spiritual warfare.

When God calls you out, it's not a trail of roses. It's gets worse and worse if we haven't put our trust in Him. To the rest of the world, you will appear insane. For the longer you go on this journey, the less you are dwelling on Earth. Either Heaven or hell starts to become your dwelling place. How do we dwell in Heaven and not hell? By putting your trust in God. So, whatever comes into our imaginations that torment us, we can label false. Past events, even in our memories, can sometimes be blown up to be worse than they were. The enemy of your life has all types of ways at getting at you. It's important to realize that this enemy is stronger than you. Which is why you can't stay on Earth. The influences in your life are too strong. God's voice vs. the enemy's imaginations. Trust vs. deception.

You have to walk this journey, and you have to make a choice. The fact is, you will at some point, learn to trust God completely. The only question is, how long will it take?

God bless,


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