Aliens are real
When pondering this vast universe, a question usually always arises. Are we alone? I can tell you we are not. Naturally, the follow-up question would be, where are they?
If you are familiar with particle physics (I am not), you would of probably heard about String Theory. String theory, requires the need for several extra dimensions, besides the four observable space/time dimensions. That would mean, you would be unable to detect, many of the "realities" around you.
One dimension is temporal. That would be time, because there is only one, and it is moving only in one direction. All the others (according to the theory) , are different "dwelling places" that influence current reality. They are called spacial dimensions, but they cannot be observed or measured by us simple humans.
Here is my own horrible example of trying to explain this: Lets suppose human beings are just material. This material, using an organ in your body called a brain, is able to process information. So, I ask a human named Bob to lie down on a table, and hook him up to an fMRI scan and ask him to think about his grandmother. A part of his brain lights up. This is the part (assumed) used to process memories of his grandmother. If we ask a neurosurgeon to open up the skull and look at the light, there is nothing he could see physically that would tell him anything about Bob's grandmother. There is nothing in this electrical charge, or even surrounding cells, that can be viewed from the scientists' perspective to be unique information. The neurosurgeon sees an electrical charge in the cells, whenever Bob thinks. To Bob, this electrical firing is able to be viewed as relevant information. He can remember his grandmother, and maybe switch to his first kiss. The scientist would have no idea. The scientist is unable to observe at all what, if any, information is traveling in those cells via electrical current. If Bob wasn't conscious, we would have no idea what is happening. It would be just an organ with a chemical system and electrical charges in different regions.
So, when looking all around us, there could be a whole other way of looking at things. Parts of you can be physical, and something else. There are things around you that cannot be observed by you, but can be influencing you or the reality around you. I have no idea of what this would look like, but God does. So I have to rely on Him.
If you are familiar with particle physics (I am not), you would of probably heard about String Theory. String theory, requires the need for several extra dimensions, besides the four observable space/time dimensions. That would mean, you would be unable to detect, many of the "realities" around you.
One dimension is temporal. That would be time, because there is only one, and it is moving only in one direction. All the others (according to the theory) , are different "dwelling places" that influence current reality. They are called spacial dimensions, but they cannot be observed or measured by us simple humans.
Here is my own horrible example of trying to explain this: Lets suppose human beings are just material. This material, using an organ in your body called a brain, is able to process information. So, I ask a human named Bob to lie down on a table, and hook him up to an fMRI scan and ask him to think about his grandmother. A part of his brain lights up. This is the part (assumed) used to process memories of his grandmother. If we ask a neurosurgeon to open up the skull and look at the light, there is nothing he could see physically that would tell him anything about Bob's grandmother. There is nothing in this electrical charge, or even surrounding cells, that can be viewed from the scientists' perspective to be unique information. The neurosurgeon sees an electrical charge in the cells, whenever Bob thinks. To Bob, this electrical firing is able to be viewed as relevant information. He can remember his grandmother, and maybe switch to his first kiss. The scientist would have no idea. The scientist is unable to observe at all what, if any, information is traveling in those cells via electrical current. If Bob wasn't conscious, we would have no idea what is happening. It would be just an organ with a chemical system and electrical charges in different regions.
So, when looking all around us, there could be a whole other way of looking at things. Parts of you can be physical, and something else. There are things around you that cannot be observed by you, but can be influencing you or the reality around you. I have no idea of what this would look like, but God does. So I have to rely on Him.
The point I'm trying to make is simply this: We should all concede to the simple fact that none of us know all the answers. I can't see angels, but I know they exist. People who claim to have life all figured out are doomed to a dreadful life of non-discovery. May we all constantly strive to gain more knowledge, discernment, wisdom, understanding, etc.